Smart water metering for sustainable living design | Aspire Water Solutions
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smart water metering for architects and designers

Smart water metering in architecture and design

Enable clients to detect leaks, conserve water and save money,
all with one solution

Best practice water management in sustainable design

With AWS and Flowd Smart Water Solutions  , your future projects can now have best-practice water management incorporated into your designs.


Enable your clients to save up to 10% on their water usage, implement better water conservation and save money. 


Offer your clients a fail-safe in-built, leak detection system as a standard part of your design proposal.

How AWS services work

AWS installs a smart water meter or logger (depending on your circumstances), on each mains water inlet. This communicates your water use data directly to you via the Flowd App.

Detect Leaks

The Flowd App will detect leaks early through anomalies in water use

Receive Alerts

Receive alerts for water leaks to avoid bill shock and protect assets

Monitor Usage

Monitor half-hourly water usage for better water management

Stop leak valves

Products for braided hoses, washing machines and other applications

Specialised products for water damage risk reduction

For insurers, the standard AWS system of a smart water meter or data logger, combined with the Flowd App, provides confidence that a client has undertaken appropriate water leak and water damage risk mitigation actions.


Depending on the client and their needs, a selection of other leak prevention products are also available

In addition to the standard logging device and Flowd App system, we market and install Flood Stop Valves and Mildred Valves to protect against leaks in flexible hoses and hot water units, respectively.


These can be added to complement the meter and Flowd App  to offer even greater water leak protection and water damage mitigation.


This makes our product and our service completely unique. So your clients and their insurers can be confident that their properties are suitably protected.

The Flowd solution has been designed to support the unique challenges of many industries and also homeowners, the following demonstration video shows how you can improve the way that you use, monitor, manage and save water.

wireless water meter monitoring equipment

Save water and money

Smart water metering is proven to save between 10% and 30% on clients’ water accounts by finding leaks fast. Our services help to save on excess water bills and provide easy access to water-use data to be water-wise.


AWS uses the Flowd Smart Water Solutions water-metering technology to monitor and report on water use, detect water leaks fast and save on excess water use.


Our unique set of products is setting a new benchmark in terms of water conservation standards and sustainable living in the Australian climate.

Monitor and manage

Aspire Water Solutions and Flowd allow any water user to easily track how much water is being used, as well as where and when.


This information can be accessed in real-time to for cost saving water conservation, early leak detection and to help reduce the risk of expensive water damage to assets and infrastructure.


With Aspire Water Solutions and the Flowd app, architects and designers can offer clients a complete solution that will save them money and protect their valuable assets from damage.

Flowd smart water app invoice image

Leak Protection

Water leaks are a very real risk to every property owner. Just think about how difficult it is, without the assistance of technology, to know where every water leak might be in your home or investment properties.

AWS offers architects and designers a new level of service to clients when it comes to detecting leaks and protecting valuable assets.


Because the Flowd App is registering water usage at half-hour intervals, it can detect if there is abnormal or excess water usage at the sites that you own or manage.


When there is a leak or excess usage, the app can provides you with an automatic alert, enabling you to generate a support ticket to your plumbing provider.


An optional part of our services are the Stop-Cock leak protection valves for all of your property’s braided hoses. These valves offer an immediate leak protection mechanism.

Simple pricing

View our product bundles below to start saving water today

Flowd App + IOT Water Logger

From$1125inc GST / per unit



Flowd App – Initial 12 mth subscription

IOT Water Logger device


Please note:

Ongoing subscription to Flowd App p/year is $198 inc GST

Installation and delivery costs are an additional cost



Enterprise / Business Solutions

AWS can provide custom solutions specific to your needs


Our products work together to provide a comprehensive water damage risk mitigation system, so you can feel confident that you are offering your clients the very best protection available





Flowd App

IOT Water Logger devices

Flood Stop Isolation Taps (for braided hoses)

Leak Sensing Shut Off Valves –
(for internal hot water systems)




Offer your clients a saving of 10%+ on their future water use, and an integrated solution
for leak detection

Get in touch for a complimentary, no-obligation demonstration of how
AWS can save your clients time and money.

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